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Summary of Question:Please Help Me In Clearing My Doubts
Date Posted:Sunday, 1/19/2003 12:46 AM MST

Sat Sri Akal

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh
I'm an Amritdhari sikh. And I'm glad that there are people like you who can solve the doudts of many like me. These days I don't do my morning paths but I do Rehraas Sahid and Kirtan Sohila. I dont do my morning paths bcoz I have the habit of getting up late and I'm lazy also. But I 've the desire of getting up at ambroisal hours and do the Simran as well as paths bcoz there were few days when Waheguru gave me the courage to do it and it felt like I was completely embraced by the Almighty although He knew about all my weakness. I really feel that blessed are those people who have the courage to get up at this time and do the path and simran. Sometimes when I'm doing my path I start crying and then I stop myself saying that I'm a hypocrite who is not regular in the doing the paths of early morning and tries to compensate by crying. But I do cry at times and I also have the guilt of not following the rehit. I wear Kirpan And cover my head with a chunni, but I'm also attracted towards the glamourous world. And I enjoying listening songs. Although I was always interested in this things but when I took the amrit this things were erased from my mind for a long time. But when I came from that Gurudwara where there was Gurmat camp Where wE had taken the amrit, I Started drifting towards my old habits. Recently I had been to a party where I did'nt cover my head and danced too. I want to ask does this mean that I've broken the rehit. I don't want to stop covering my head and keeping the panj kakkars bcoz Im afraid if I do this may be I'll never get the chance to be Guru's sikh again. I seriously wish to be a part in Guru's kingdom ,I don't want to leave Him. Just tell me am I being a hypocrite or do I've weakness in my character or will power. I dont have a company which really reminds me of Waheguru everytime. Does this mean I'm blaming my Surroundings. If one is interested in singing and dancing does it mean that he cannot be faithful to Waheguru? Do this activities decrease one's love for the Almighty? This the third question I'm asking to u all And I'll be grateful to you people if you answer atleast this one of mine.
Please do provide me with answers. I'll be very thankful
Sat Sri Akal.


first it is important to seperate you the person from the gulit. Amrit is always a way you chose... and because you follow the ways of the khalsa does not mean you are dead and do not sing and dance and be happy.... focus on being a great sikh and not on the guilt as otherwise you will make yourself crazy.

being human is normal and actually not being part of this world makes you more not a sikh. Guru ji says that you cannot and should not be a Sadhu and turn away from the world. Be happy , take part in the world and also Understand that you must behave responsibly within your life and you will do fine. Amrit is not the end of your life but the begining. Amrit is always a challenge and one must rise to meet the challenge. Amrit is lik e getting a license... you make a commitment to behave a certain way in the aspect of faith of your other aspects you also commit to make the guru part of any choices and the guru will help you and stop you from making bad ones by asking you to live up to your amrit. It is not to be used as either an excuse to avoid life's responsibilities nor is it to be ignored and made amrit of convenience. The choices are left to you and are between you and the guru. guilt, that makes you cry is not one of these choices. Forgiveness is. Understand why you get up is not to fulfill a ritual but to help your mind awaken in guru's spirit.

hope this helps.


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