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Summary of Question:Help
Date Posted:Friday, 1/26/2007 9:27 AM MST

hi in need of serious help...plz help me. I use 2 b an amritdhari but broke my amrit a few yrs my sexuality took over,im gay...which really isnt even the issue here...i want 2 end my life,im so tired of living i need love,i need so much my parents never gave me.....i just want 2 end it all...i dont want 2 but that is how i feel bcus im hurting so much i cant bear the pain in my heart..i just cant take it. I was in a relationship n we split up a few days ago....n 2 b honest that has jus dun it 4 me. I either want 2 end my life or go in2 deep meditation were its just me n god...noone do i do that where do i go plzz help me ...plz

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I am sorry you are in such pain. Emotions when they become commotion can cause extreme suffering. Your emotions are not YOU! What you have gone through has obviously caused a lot of hurt, but pain and sorrow are all in the realm of "Maya" -- the temporary interaction of the players in God's creation. True love isn't "need" it is "giving" without thought of getting anything back. You have a choice whether you want to continue feeling depressed and sorry for yourself, or whether you can overcome your feelings. Start by loving yourself, being kind and compassionate to others, serving others. Go and do some seva at a Gurdwara. Read the banis. Get a perspective on your life! God gave you life to give you the opportunity to realize His presence within you. The emotional distress that you are feeling is not YOU -- it is your emotions. Relationships can be painful in this human incarnation if we forget that everything here is temporary and is for the sole purpose of enabling us to recognize that Divine Self within us. "It's not the life that matters, it's the courage that we bring to it." Suicide is the coward's way out, and it is not solutional, because then the soul has to come back almost immediately and suffer even more until the karmic lessons are learned. My suggestion is that you sit quietly after you read this message, and close your eyes, and with eyes closed, watch your breath flow in and out of your nose. Each inhalation is proof of God's presence in you! It is proof that God loves you and wants you to live and discover you belong to God! A good mantra to chant out loud or silently is "UNG SUNG WAHE GURU." It means "God is in every part of me." It is a fact! May God bless you with peace of mind, courage, and wisdom to master your emotions and fulfill your highest destiny.

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