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Summary of Question:Gur Bin Ghor A(N)Dhhaar Guroo Shabd
Date Posted:Friday, 3/11/2005 11:52 AM MST

This is not really a question but an answer to the below question asked by someone. You can find this shabad on Sikhi to the max website or copy and paste the below link.

If the link doesnt work then go to the and click on Gurbani. Next click on English Search (you can find it at the bottom right corner). Then copy and paste "gur bin khor adhara, gur bin samaj naa aave"

Hope this helps. Anyways I have copy and paste the shabad below.

This Shabad is by Bhatt Nal in Svaiyay Mehl 5 on Pannaa 1399

gur bin ghor a(n)dhhaar guroo bin samajh n aavai ||
gur bin surath n sidhh guroo bin mukath n paavai ||
gur kar sach beechaar guroo kar rae man maerae ||
gur kar sabadh sapu(n)n aghan kattehi sabh thaerae ||
gur nayan bayan gur gur karahu guroo sath kav naly kehi ||
jin guroo n dhaekhiao nahu keeao thae akayathh sa(n)saar mehi ||4||8||

Without the Guru, there is utter darkness; without the Guru, understanding does not come.
Without the Guru, there is no intuitive awareness or success; without the Guru, there is no liberation.
So make Him your Guru, and contemplate the Truth; make Him your Guru, O my mind.
Make Him your Guru, who is embellished and exalted in the Word of the Shabad; all your sins shall be washed away.
So speaks NALL the poet: with your eyes, make Him your Guru; with the words you speak, make Him your Guru, your True Guru.
Those who have not seen the Guru, who have not made Him their Guru, are useless in this world. ||4||8||


Summary of Question: Shabad
Category: Gurbani
Date Posted: Tuesday, 3/01/2005 11:21 AM MST

sat shri akal

i was looking for shabad that goes like..... "gur bin khor adhara, gur bin samaj naa aave"
i searched under amrit kirtan on this webside but i couldn't find it. they only have "gur bin avar naahee mai thaa-o" The shabd that i'm looking for is not there. If you could find it please forward me the link
thank you

I suggest you play around with your spellings and
also go back and check to see if you have started the line of Gurbani
at the beginning.
Wahe Guru,

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Gur Bin Ghor A(N)Dhhaar Guroo Shabd (03/11/2005)
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