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Summary of Question:Panditry, Effect On Karma Of Cursing Someone
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 8/22/2001 10:50 AM MDT


I was recently discussing sikhism with a friend and she said that a little
bit of wahaeguru is in everyone and that if u curse someone or whatever
you are hurting wahaeguru...i was just wondering wheather you were
hurting god if you put urself down...does it at all affect ur karma?

Also some1 i know went to a pandit guy in a hindu mandir and EVERYTHING he
said to her that would happen over the next 8 years after did actually
happen...i was talking to my mum about this and she said sikhz shouldn't
believe this...but i mean if its a load of crap why did everything he
said come true???

Thanx in advance...TKL


Dear TKL--
Sat Siri Akal.

Nanak ayvai jani-ai sabh aapay sachiar." This line is from Japji, by Guru Nanak. Know that the True One (God) is All-in-All is what it means. So yes, when you curse or defame someone, you curse or defame God /Waheguru. Guru Nanak also says "aapay beej, aapay he khao, Nanak hukamee avaho jao". As you sow, so do you reap, Nanak lives only in God's will. So if you want to curse someone, then be prepared to see your karma come back to you and be cursed yourself by another person. Karma is a physical and universal law: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So keep this in mind and adjust your actions according to what is true and right, not according to the whims of your mind and emotions.

Sikhs have a Siri Guru Granth from which they can get all their answers. This is why we don't use pandits, etc. While there are astrologers and pandits who seem to be very good at seeing one's future, how do you or your friend know if, upon hearing what would happen, she lived what we call a self-fulfilling prophecy? That is, because the pandit said so, she did not live her life differently. Sikh Gurus knew that many people in their faithlessness and lack of trust would rather listen to a pandit than live the discipline and faith of a Sikh. Gurus told us that living by prophecy is not Sikh way. That we live our karma or live our dharma. When we live our dharma, we live in acceptance of God's will and in compassion for ALL that happens, good or bad.

guru ang sang,

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