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Summary of Question:My Brother Is Kind Of Creeping Me Out
Date Posted:Sunday, 7/02/2006 10:14 AM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!

Hello, My name is Sukhmani and i am 14 years old. My problem is that I have a younger brother named Amritpal (12 years old), he came from India in February for the first time. I am glad he is here, But now I am having some issues.
A: He keeps touching me on my behind. This happened about 3 times. Once in school alone, then he did it on my dad’s saying I told my brother if he touches me I would slap him but he didn’t listen so I slapped him, my dad got upset and took his side. The next time he did it was today when I really wanted to slap him I couldn’t because he is always threatening me.
B: He has no respect for me, My brother will never understand that i need my space! Where ever i go he wants to go. What ever i want he wants! Its not fair at all!
C: If i tell him something thats for his own good he'll never understand! He'll just say: Dont chew my brain, i dont care or who cares?or even shut up or i am gonna slap u!
D: If I want to be with my friends alone for awhile he always barges in and is soo rude annoying and embarrassing!
He is getting so out of control! If i tell my dad he wont listen. If i tell my mom she'll just tell him not to do that again or stuff it, but does that work? No siree bob! When i want to slap him i cant because he is just too strong and my parents will get upset!
Oh and F: He always tries to kiss me in public! I am getting really pissed off! Are all Punjabi guys the same? (I was raised here since i was 3 for medical reasons) Please help me!
May the Light of God be with you all!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!

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Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh!

Sukhmani Kaur Ji - You are the older sister and you need to have a calm, loving, heart-to-heart with your little brother. Slapping him is not the answer. Sit with him and hug him and let him know that you love him. Look into his eyes and talk with him calmly and unemotionally. Do not be angry. Tell him how you feel when he touches you inappropriately. Don't blame him. Just explain your feelings to him. The bottom line is that he is playing a game with you - trying to annoy you and "get your goat." When you react angrily to him, or slap him, you are doing just what he wants you to do. You have been letting him control the situation. He loves that he can get a rise out of you. It is only through your calmness, by not reacting to him, just lovingly and gently correcting him, that he will stop this annoying behaviour.


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