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Summary of Question:Sikh Vows
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 5/27/2002 3:20 PM MDT

Sat Nam:

I converted to sikhism 9 years ago, I have long hair and beard, I wear a turban and try to wear five ks also since then, I also read banis and go to Gurdwara as much as I can. I really like Sikh way, and Im very proud to be a Sikh.
I was reading the forum and find a post about a man who wants to marry a sikh girl and also wants to convert to sikhi(White Man To Marry Ms Kaur). In the response you mention: "You can take Sikh Vows and further, you can take the baptism of Amrit"
I never took sikh vows, I know how the ceremoy of Amrit is, but never heard about a ceremony to take Sikh Vows. My question is. ¿How is that ceremony? Im seriously thinking about taking Amrit. ¿Should I take the Sikh Vows first?

Also, my spiritual name is Sat Guru Singh, I got that name from Yogi Bhajan (Whom I respect a lot). I found some weeks ago that some brothers feel unrespected because of my name they say that Sat Guru is only to refer to Guruji. ¿Can you tell me something about that? ¿How can I explain it to them?

Thank you so much for your time, May God and Guru blees you all.

Sat Siri Akal


Sat Siri Akal.

During the Summer Solstice celebration and the Winter Solstice Celebration put on by 3HO, people are welcome to take Sikh Vows. (If there is a Sikh Dharma Gurdwara in your area, you may also be able to take Sikh vows there) Sikh vows developed in the West for people who wanted to make a commitment to the Guru but still felt they needed to do a lot of work on themselves before they were ready to take Amrit. Sikh vows have many things in common with Amrit (you commit to being celebate outside of marriage, to not cutting your hair, to refraining from taking any intoxicants), but you don't commit to wearing the Five K's or reciting all of the banis. Instead, you commit to doing Japji once a day.

Sikh vows is kind of "Amrit Lite" for people who need the steadiness of having made a commitment, but just know that they are not ready to make the move to full Amrit yet. It is up to your consciousness which set of vows are right for you at this point in your spiritual development.

As for the name Sat Guru Singh-don't worry if the name rankles some people. It's their test of tolerance and doesn't have anything to do with you. Your name is not "Sat Guru" it is "Sat Guru Singh" and that is a very impotant difference. You are the Lion of the True Guru-you are His protector. If you explain it to them that way, it may make sense. But don't spend too much energy on it if it doesn't make sense to them. Remember-your spiritual path is between your soul and God. God understands, even if the people around you don't.

I wish you all the best on your path. God bless and good luck.


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