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Summary of Question:Shabad About Marriage
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Monday, 7/07/2003 11:27 AM MDT

what a Wonderful idea!! Here is another one that I thought will make a beautiful gift....SGGS Ji Page 482 Bani Bhagat Kabir Ji ki

gaa-o gaa-o ree dulhanee mangalchaaraa.

tan rainee man pun rap kar ha-o paacha-o tat baraatee.
I make my body the dying vat, and within it, I dye my mind. I make the five elements my marriage guests.

raam raa-ay si-o bhaavar laiha-o aatam tih rang raatee. ||1||
I take my marriage vows with the Lord, my King; my soul is imbued with His Love. ||1||

gaa-o gaa-o ree dulhanee mangalchaaraa.
Sing, sing, O brides of the Lord, the marriage songs of the Lord.

mayray garih aa-ay raajaa raam bhataaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord, my King, has come to my house as my Husband. ||1||Pause||

naabh kamal meh baydee rach lay barahm gi-aan uchaaraa.
Within the lotus of my heart, I have made my bridal pavilion, and I have spoken the wisdom of God.

raam raa-ay so doolahu paa-i-o as badbhaag hamaaraa. ||2||
I have obtained the Lord King as my Husband - such is my great good fortune. ||2||

sur nar mun jan ka-utak aa-ay kot taytees ujaanaaN.
The angels, holy men, silent sages, and the 330,000,000 deities have come in their heavenly chariots to see this spectacle.

kahi kabeer mohi bi-aahi chalay hai purakh ayk bhagvaanaa. ||3||2||24||
Says Kabeer, I have been taken in marriage by the One Supreme Being, the Lord God. ||3||2||24||

Sat siri akaal. Thanks. The Gurmukhi didn't show up so I took those lines out. Above is transliteration/pronounciation, and English translation. Guru ang sang,

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