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Summary of Question:Re: Cyber? Huckamnama
Date Posted:Friday, 4/04/2003 3:48 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akaal My Fellow Sikhs,

My question is, how is this cyber huckamnama generated? I always thought it was the one from the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

Sat Sri Akaal,
Dalip Singh

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Sat Siri Akal Ji - The daily hukam from Darbar Sahib in Amritsar is posted here each day and you can listen to it out loud as well at this link

When you are at that page, you will see a link called "Take Cyber-Hukam" and that link is what this discussion has been about. When you meditate and focus your attention on the Guru and click this link, a random number generator selects a page from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib and displays it to you. It is a personal hukam taken in that moment.


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