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Summary of Question:Questions Of Bani
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/24/2004 11:43 AM MST

Sat Nam.

I was wondering if there were special bani to be read when a new addition comes into a family, as when a child is born or adopted, or for that matter even an animal companion?

Secondly, can bani be used as a kind of prayer offering for a specific intention? For instance, if one desired healing or success in finding a new job. My mother practiced a sort of "folk magic" which mixed Catholic practices with pre-Christian Slavic traditions, and-- to use an example-- would pray for a healing by saying some Psalm of the Bible so many times a day, for a set number of days, (Nine times daily for nine days is the old country tradition) even if the scripture didn't say a word specifically about healing. Is this sort of thing done in Sikhi? Many thanks!


Sat Nam. The science of using scripture to set an intent and vibration for specific purpose is old and used in many faiths. Yogi Bhajan has indicated shabds from SGGS that serve various purposes, but the test is in your intent and faith, I would say. The references were compiled in a volume called The Psyche of the Golden Shield: Words of Prayer, Words of Power. You will find it available through Ancient Healing Ways online

Guru ang sang,

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