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Summary of Question:Re: Different Race Marriages
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/05/2003 1:12 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akaal.

To the one who asked about multiracial marriage... I am of Polish ancestry and married a man who is half Chinese, half Punjabi Indian; we are quite the League of Nations in our house, and we couldn't be happier.

People are people. When you get under the skin we all bleed the same red. My mixed marriage has been an adventure of discoveries and challenges that put a lot of OOMPH into an otherwise dull world. My husband will wear a Polish Eagle on his shirt while I put on a salwar, and we rejoice in each other's differences.

I thank God for diversity. A world without the different races and cultures that make up humanity, would be like going out for a bite to eat and the only place in the whole world to go was a million McDonald's, and nothing else. When we learn to love and appreciate all our differences, this world has so much more... flavor!

and may you all have a mix of blessings!
(REPLY) Sat Nam.

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