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Summary of Question:Why...?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 9/10/2002 5:11 AM MDT

waheguru !

plzz..don't wanna be rude..and plzz forgive this daas if my words sound rude..i have posted more than 5 questions..but i think only two has been answerd..i know i ask you guyz lots of questions..infact one each day...and i have reason for that is u guyz are doing very good job with this site..and ur answers always touch my heart.. i come on this site every day infact i m on this site 24/7...most of the answers of other people questions are answerd but not mine..plzz tell me where i was wrong..did i hurt n e of you guyz from my questions..plzz tel me..if so then plzz do forgive me this garib...


(REPLY) Sat Nam. There are several possible reasons all your questions have not been answered. You may not be aware that there are a huge number of questions that come in every day, and there are only a few of us who can take time from our jobs and other responsibilities to reply. We do our best, but it's not possible to keep up with everything. It's also possible that your questions have already been answered in other places. So I would like to humbly suggest that you look up the categories of the questions you want to ask, before posting. Blessings, SP
waheguru !

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