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Summary of Question:Re: Am I The Only One
Date Posted:Friday, 5/21/2004 6:05 AM MDT


I just wanted to say that my father has been an alcholic for about 11 years and my mother has gone beyond her duty to keep the family together and a roof over our heads, she had two jobs and was at uni. There were times when id feel the same as u, i felt no one understood and i couldnt tell my family as it would be an extra burden.

However, today my father still has a drinking problem but i have learnt to live with it. At first i used to be ashamed of people knowing, now i accept that i have no control over it.

Praying was what helped me move away from my depressed state, iv always seen Guru Nanak Dev Ji as my father and every time i face difficulties, i pray to him and he supports me. I took me a while to get to a stage where i felt content, but dont give up hope because it will happen,

God Bless and u will get through it, be strong.
I hope u didnt find any of this patronising, but i felt i had to respond.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I hope the person who posted the original message reads this. It was kind of you to share your experience. It is true, we cannot control or be responsible for what and how our parents are, the important thing is to develop our own inner strength and self-confidence, based on the awareness of God and Guru being with us at all times! When Sikhs take Amrit, then Guru Gobind Singh becomes their father! And certainly, Guru Nanak is there for those who call upon him, as is Guru Ram Das! They are all One. SP

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