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Summary of Question:Could Two People With The Same Last Name Get Married, But Have Different Caste?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 2/13/2004 11:22 AM MST

I m in this sitution. I m really worried of what might happen. I really like this guy, but he has the same last name as me, but we are different caste. My family is okay with the situation, just his family has regrets. Is there anything that can be said to convince them a bit that its okay. I don't want to lose this guy, but as things are going i think i might. I m really scared.

Could you please help mee

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Your question is a cultural one, not a religious one, and I don't think it's even a legal concern. Guru Gobind Singh gave all Sikh men the name Singh, and all Sikh women the name Kaur, and the last name is Khalsa. So the names you are talking about are really not relevant. Unless you are blood relations, I don't know why there should be any problem with your marrying. Castes were supposed to be abolished by Sikhs anyway. So sad that people still cling to this separation, despite all the attempts to educate.

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Could Two People With The Same Last Name Get Married, But Have Different Caste? (02/13/2004)
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