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Summary of Question:Why Don't Some People Read Last Page Of Sggs?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/20/2001 9:06 PM MST

I was just wondering that why the last page of the guru granth sahib has no mahala and why some people choose not to read it. I have asked many people but they dont answer my question. I hope you will be able to.

Sat Siri Akaal. Probably they don't read it because they don't want to, since it is a recitation, of sorts, of the various raags found in Siri Guru Granth. Still and all, Guru Gobind Singh made it part of Siri Guru Granth. So when reading Akand Paath, it should absolutely be included in the recitation!


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Why Don't Some People Read Last Page Of Sggs? (12/20/2001)
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