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Summary of Question:Something "Christian" Happened To Me
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/20/2002 7:29 PM MDT

Hello everyone. I wanted to share something with you that happened to me 2 years ago. What happened is I was in the hospital and I said a prayer to God that I wanted to start a ministry for the sick and I wanted to call it H.O.P.E. which stands for "Healing Other People Equally." Then an interesting thing happened. While I was in the hospital, a lady gave me a bible that said "Here's HOPE" on it in big letters. I thought to myself, does God want me to become a christian? I am born and raised a Sikh and I don't plan on changing my religion. Actually I did become a christian for a while but I reverted back to Sikhi because I felt the church I was going to was forcing their religion upon me. I am soooo confused. I need guidance. I have many christian friends and they tell me Jesus Christ is the only salvation. I have another question but I'll post that in a separate entry.

Jasvinder Singh Banwait

Dear Jasvinder Ji:
Sat Siri Akaal. What a wonderful inspiration you received in the hospital! I think that getting that bible with "HOPE" on it was God's way of AFFIRMING your dream of starting a ministry for the sick that treats all equally. Like Him saying, "Jasvinder, that's what I put you on earth to do!"

Others indeed would see it that you are supposed to be Christian, but frankly, how you believe and worship is between you and God. Guru Nanak made it clear in his many shabds not to mention Jaapji Sahib, that the no one can give you religion or liberation, and that handing over responsibility to a pandit or someone named Jesus Christ is simply hoping someone else will do it for you. THe real work is meditation on the Naam, and you can follow any path that feels right for you but you will not gain that sahej and true peace of mind unless you meditate on the Naam and build that relationship to Waheguru or the Christ WITHIN yourself. It is a Christian's DUTY to try to convert you and tell you Jesus is the only way. Guru Nanak flat out said that there are so many paths, but the true path consists of meditation on the Naam, whether your are Hindu or Muslim or anything else. See pauris 17-19 in Jaapji Sahib. See also pauris 4-5 of Jaapji.

So, go for it! If you feel without pressure that your path is Christian, go for it. If you feel your soul calls you to be Sikh, then BE SIKH. Whatever, Ji. Let God guide you on how to manifest your wonderful dream, and make it clear from that start that Healing Other People Equally makes no discrimination on the basis of faith, just as God loves you whether you are Christian or Sikh or anything else.

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