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Summary of Question:College Club Seeks Guidance
Date Posted:Monday, 11/25/2002 1:03 PM MST


Our sikh club at my college is has been and will continue to involved in the local gurdwara, the gurdwara youth, doing some education promotions and ofcourse cultural programs. As president i like to request what other events can we compose to promote and educate about Sikhism? Also how can we recruit those sikhs that choose to be ignorant in our community?
I had read the question asked earlier relating to this subject but i think we are doing most of the things mentioned but we are still very enthusiastic and need more to do!
With the break from school coming up it would help to get a head start on next year's plans. Also is there any way we can contact other Sikh organizations at other colleges and work together?
Thank you in advance for your efforts!


It sounds like you are doing a lot already. Here are a couple of suggestions:

- Be visible in your community. Wear your turbins and beards...stand out as Sikhs. Don't be afraid to be different.

- Involve yourselves in activities which are not Sikh related. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or "meals on wheels." They usually need volunteers at Christmas time, because all of the other volunteers want to spend it with their families. It is important to contribute something back to the larger community. Let them see you and feel your love and joy. Nursing homes are another place, where people are forgotten and need love.

- Become known in your community with other religious groups. Volunteer in projects they are working multi-religious music presentations, prayer for peace, etc. One criticism we get is that we are too isolated and separated. Don't wait to be invited...go to them.

- Have a traditional Sikh cultural night. Invite other non-Sikh students and the community to a night of a shortish kirtan presentation on harmonium and tabla, followed with an Indian meal, with more kirtan playing in the background; Bangara dancing,as a presentation, followed with instruction with everyone doing it; a question and answer time, where people can ask quesitons about Sikhism...and anything else you think would be good. Make sure it is fun and festive. Decorate the hall in Indian style; and maybe have a raffle of local merchants merchandise, and the money goes to a local charity...which is not Sikh. Make sure you publicize this in the local paper and radio station.

We need to be seen in the community as Sikhs particpating in the larger community along side other people. This will dissolve misunderstanding and prejudice faster than anything.

As far as attracting other members, be having so much fun and contributing so much to the community that they want to join you. Force, guilt and judgment don't work in this coming of the Aquarian Age.

I hope this was helpful. GTKK

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