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Summary of Question:Humbleness?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 8/07/2005 5:44 PM MDT

sat sri akal,

this is a strange question for the moderators i bet but i want to know the answer so i am going to ask this:
how exactly do you become waht can you do in life, how can you act that will put humbleness in ur life and u will forever see God in everyone...we are manmukhs..we dont see things that many True Sikhs can...can u help us in any way? god has given u the vision....can u share ur thoughts w/ us so we can become humble and can see God in everyone?
thanks in advance for considering my question, i appreciate it from my heart!!!
sat sri akal!

Sat Siri Akaal. This is in the Siri Guru Granth Sabib, page after page, where Guru talks about how the merciful Lord granted the Naam and erased one's accounts, despite the person being in love with Maya. I recommend you practice Siri Guru Granth Sahib by reading from it daily.
The path to humility comes from meditation and seva. Meditation on the naam gives you peaceful, neutral mind, and as your mind and consciousness grow towards Waheguru from this discipline, then the desire to serve Waheguru comes with it. But this is service or seva without ego, with no expectation of reward, whether money or simply strokes to one's ego. The more naam simran, the more seva, the more one realizes the wonder of God's universe and our own small part in it. And this develops humility. Simple, yes. Easy,no.
Some people are natural sevadars. They make such a habit of helping out that they cannot imagine life without it. Humility is a recognition that we are completely in Waheguru's hands, and our naam simran helps us to align our consciousness with what Waheguru expects and wants of us.
in service,

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