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Summary of Question:Radha Soamis Et Al
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 8/09/2003 3:58 AM MDT

Dear Moderators,

I had posted a response on this a few days ago, when I first read your posting on this issue. My response was not published. That is your determination and I respect that.

Yet, I see that you have posted yet another comment by the same person on radha soamis even providing links to some of their sites.

Please feel free to check internally within the sikhnet community about the radha soamis and the nirankaris. Through a hukamnam of 1997, we have been asked to abstain from having any association with nirankaris becasue they belive in a human guru and disrespect sri guru granth sahib.

similarly radha soamis do the same thing, i.e. belive in a human guru and disrespect the bani in sri guru granth sahib.

please dont take my word for it. please feel free to confirm with any one else.

may i humbly, request that till the time such inquiries are completed, these two postings on radha soamis be taken off your web site, as they are completely contradictory to the teachings of sri guru granth sahib.

thank you for your consideration.


Sat Sri Akal,

Thank you for your post. I do not know of any hukamnam of 1997, but you are right that anyone who calls him or her self a Sikh does not believe in a living Guru as that is contrary to the Sikh faith.

Many people disrespect the Sri Guru Granth Sahib through many ways, we can not possibly abstain from associating with all of them. Radha Swamis, Nirankaris, etc., have the right to believe in whatever they want to, but as Sikhs, we do not believe in such things. Radha Swamis, Nirankaris, etc. are not Sikhs, so what does it matter what they believe? Do we get upset when Catholics go to church and pray to the Virgin Mary or whatever? No, of course not. Let them believe in what they believe in, but as Sikhs, we believe only in Akal Purukh, and our true guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

To emphasize again, Sikhs do not believe that any one person is a Guru. The Guru for Sikhs is the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Anyone can merge with Waheguru by contemplating the SGGS and doing Naam Simran.

Gur Fateh,

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