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Summary of Question:Reply To Parents Harassment
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/08/2003 3:53 PM MDT

Hi, this is a reply for the person who put up the note on Parental Harrassment. I want him/her to know..............your not the only one. I was also beaten up by birth, i have scars which will last my whole life and keep reminding me. Not only me, my whole family was abused by my father. I understand you wanting to leave, my parents are divorced and i havent said one word to him for 5 years now, and ive seen him 2-3 times in these 5 years. It all stopped for me when i was 17. So yeah, there are alot of people out there who have been through or are going through waht you are. I can assure you, it WILL change. Also, i know you want to run away. But what will you achieve? Also, what about your mother (i hope i dont touch on something which hurts you) but dont u owe her. In our culture, we are brought up to take care of our parents. One may not be worthy of this, but this doesnt mean you should put your mother through any heartache. They say (and i believe) if you wish to see God and how he takes care of you, look at your mother. This may not be true for everyone, but it is for me. I would not be living this day, if my mother wasnt here. I agree with the respondants, DONT FIGHT, argue, say things to your father. Fighting solves NOTHING (look at the wars and history). But remember, your also the son/daughter of your mother. you should remember, she may not show it. But she may love you alot more than she lets u know. If you have any younger borthers or sisters, what about them. I wish you all the best in any decision you make. Take care.

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