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Summary of Question:Harminder Sahib: The Pool Of Nectar Washes Sins?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/14/2003 5:21 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal Ji,

Thank you for you responds on my last question.

I have a new question I want to ask.

Recently my aunt told me that it is necessary for every Sikh to bath at least once in his lifetime in the Pool Of Nectar. She also told that all your sins will be washed off. Is this true? Isn't this the same thing what the Hindus do in the Ganges? I mean, how can your sins be washed off just taking a bath in a pool? Off is it because the Harminder Sahib lies in the middle of the pool??
Can you please give me an answer?

Thank you for your time.


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. It is the prayer of all Sikhs to visit Sri Harimandir Sahib; find it in Ardas. I cannot speak for Hindus and the Ganges, since I live in USA. I will tell you my personal experience of Sri Darbar Sahib. I spent a week there dipping daily (sometimes twice) and fully (head too) since I'd had some head injury. I did not just dip, I got in and stayed in for at least 5 minutes. When I left to come back to USA I felt completely different. The earth under Sri Darbar Sahib, and the original pool that became the Nectar Tank is a very special place, and 4th Guru knew this. He built the temple there for that reason. It is a place where earth and heavens meet, literally. The way I would describe it from my healing experience is that the EFFECTS of our karmas (think of it as residue or grime) wash off at all levels of our being: body, mind, spirit, soul. Here is what 5th Guru says in SGGS, ang 1362.

dithay sabhay thaav nahee tuDh jayhi-aa.
I have seen all places, but none can compare to You.

baDhohu purakh biDhaatai taaN too sohi-aa.
The Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny, has established You; thus You are adorned and embellished.

vasdee saghan apaar anoop raamdaas pur.
Ramdaspur is prosperous and thickly populated, and incomparably beautiful.

harihaaN naanak kasmal jaahi naa-i-ai raamdaas sar. ||10||
O Lord! Bathing in the Sacred Pool of Raam Daas, the sins are washed away, O Nanak. ||10||
Guru ang sang,

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