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Summary of Question:Lying Problem
Date Posted:Saturday, 10/16/2004 8:51 PM MDT

Hi there,

I'd appreciate some advice. I have a big problem being completely honest with people, i know the problem is deep-rooted but no matter how much paath I do i can't seem to get rid of it. sometimes I just fib a little bit, sometimes i leave out details, and i've been aware of this for the past six months and i have made a conscious effort to stop. i have been doing paath every day for so many months and i'm constantly aware of waheguru but i just can't seem to solve the problem, and it's ruining the relationships i have with people and is causing so much torment in my life. is there a specific verse of gurbani, or pauri i can recite to help? any thoughts would be greatly appreciated thankyou!
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Obviously you have some deep rooted desire to mess up your life. I sincerely think you may need psychiatric help. Meanwhile, when you say you are constantly aware of Wahe Guru -- well, I don't know what you mean by that. The thing is, so long as you think Wahe Guru is separate from you, you can continue to lie. You need to feel God is in you, part of you! What you might try doing is chanting (out loud when you can, or silently when you're in public) ANG SANG WAHE GURU -- to make this consciousness sink into your entire being, that God is indeed IN YOU, PART OF EVERY ATOM OF YOUR BEING, not separate. God speaks through your mouth! God gives you His very essesnce, with every inhalation! Breath is life, and life is God's gift to you. Don't misuse the breath of life. So, chant SAT NAM because that literally means that "Truth is my Identity." Lying is a habit. Habits cannot be "broken" but they can be replaced by habits that help us, instead of destroying us. Replace your lying words with the sacred words of Gurbani. Are you reading your Banis every day? Also, you need to stop and think carefully before you speak, and when you catch yourself about to lie, start chanting instead. I hope this helps. Also, spend some time every early morning, or at night before bed, sitting quietly and with closed eyes, watch your breath, and inhale and think SAT and exhale and think NAM. Seven minutes at least. Blessings, SP

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