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Summary of Question:My Friend
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 5/08/2004 2:14 PM MDT

hi i have a friend who is 14 years of age and she is going out with this black boy. she doesnt really care bout sikhi (shes abit of a coconut) my brothers think its a bad thing to go out with a black boy,obviously its bad beacsue of her age and it isnt going to go anywhere, and also if a she was to marry a black person it would be hard for the child because he/she would be mixed raced and that is you think it is bad for the sikh community i think it is beacsue people are going to say look at these sikh girls and it puts a bad reputation on the khalsa but also these girls that are showing half there body off goin out with who ever and cutting there hair basically doing the complete oppsite to what a sikh girl should do but just wanted to know what you thought.i find it hard being around her sometimes because shes always lippsing her boyfriend do you think i should say somthing or just stay out of it beacsue its none of business.she dont no nothing about sikhism she dnot n any punjabi i cant talk but i no more then her, i tried helping her get into sikhi like learn who the gurus are and what they did for us but shes not intrested at all(she didnt no what a turban was even her boyfrined knew)i tried to help but i have givin up do you think thats bad.somtimes i look at this girl and i think this is what our future for the khalsa is goin to be like if we dnt do anything about it. i wounder what her kids are goin to be like they are just going to folow in her position the ant goin to follow sikhi because she cantteach them anything and then what are there kids going to be like then what bout there kids it keeps on going that why im concerend because where is the khalsa going to be in another 50/60 years? do you think im a bit of a hypocrit?

thank you for reading this sorry if it doesnt make any sense
you lot are doing a great job,u lot might not no but u lot are helping people even when you dont no it because the replys you give to people they might give it to other people and you help them so in away your helpingtwice as many or may be four times as many i an go on but you get my point
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh.x


In my opinion, the real issue right now for theis girl is the fact that she has a boyfriend at all. 14 is too young to have any one boyfriend. 14 is the age to be friends with everyone...not attaching to any one boy or girl. 14 is too young to know who you are or what you want. I would inspire this girl to develop herself for herself. Guys are distracting, preventing girls from growing into all they can become. She probably won't listen to you. So what can you do? Work on yourself. Become all you can. Grow and excell from the inside...not from fashion or what others think and do. Blessings. GTKK

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