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Summary of Question:Bowing In Reference To Kirtan Sohila.
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/01/2003 1:34 PM MST

hello i read one of ur replys to someones question as to bowing in front of a sikh or baba ji, your response was that it is not in sikhism, but i feel it is, pls clarify for me. It says in Kirtan Sohila "salute the true saint wiht folded hands, this is a great virtues act. Lie prostate before him this is a great virtuous act". RAHoo It also states this is the opportune to serve the saints.

I beleive there are true saints is our world, not all of them are true, but i feel i know one that is TRUE i beleive he as the blessing of divine knowlege from god and he travels wthe world doing path and gurbani about truthfulness, peace and sant ji is always happy never mad. And i do bow and do math dek because he is higher and is some what of a living guru.
What do u think?
Thanks a million

(REPLY) Sat Nam. You ask what I think. Well, I think that Guru Gobind Singh told us not to bow to any man, and that our living Guru is Siri Guru Granth Sahib. So that's what I think. Yes, there are saints who live among us, I also know one, but he won't even let anyone touch his feet! He tells us that we must find the God within ourselves, and we are not to worship any man. Certainly we want to show respect, but matha tek is what we do in front of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. that's what I think. blessings, SP

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