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Summary of Question:Is It Right?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 8/26/2002 3:34 PM MDT

waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh!

i m not gursikh at all..i have few questions regarding what's right and wrong in sikhi.on behalf of my friend..i want to know..lets say my friend wants to know..what i m about to tell it righ what guru gobind singh ji taught us about non gursikh girl and gursikh guy had knowing that that gursikh will accept her..but that gursikh guy told her taht his amrit is not n e more cuz he had he took amrit again..after that he made that girl his sister..with whom he had sex..and told that girl..that love is was all mistake..and since then she started to hate gursikh people soo bad..that she don't go to gurughar n e more..she have no respect for n e gursikh people in her heart..and she don't belive in amrit or..that there is no need to become gursikh..but for some reason she is has some feeling from her inner soul which is forcing her to listen to kirtan or do paat..but some thing else inside her stoping she don't understand that is it right what he did was right..does Shri Guru Granth sahib tells us to make someone ur sis or brother with whom you have sex?..what she suppose to do about her inner feelings?..plzz do tell us...thanx
waheguru ji ka khalsa,,waheguru ji ki fateh !

REPLY: This is an example of why persons should abstain from sex before marriage. It creates situations where people who are not committed to each other and or to a long term relationship create hurtful situations. Sex for immature people can for a man it becomes easy and he runs away. for a woman she loses her grace. Sounds like your friend lost her grace and then got angry at being used. Tell her to meditate on the guru and focus on forgiving herself and becoming a graceful woman. Tell her to not be angry at the guru but instead do sewa to help her lose her anger.

if you like there are many good articles in the the aquarian times summer 2002 issue that address this issue in detail.


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