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Summary of Question:Reply To The Hair Issue
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/15/2003 5:08 AM MST

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh!!

This is a reply to all this hair issue. I thought the answer given by one of the modertaors was excellent. The people deep down understand why Sikhs keep our hair but beacuse you cant follow the Sikh Darmaha u make excuses to defend yourself. A man once told me all do as they please and all have their own exuses to back their action up. The real answer is that you are weak, if you understood true pain then would you know how little keeping hair is to a Sikh of the Guru. I too was the only Sikh in my School in England, i had a ramaal on my jura till i was 13!!! I wore a patka till i was 19 in a racist region. I was the only Sikh living in my area. I had my hair set on fire at my school when i was 15!! I keep hearing excuses and more reasons why we should cut our hair and its all bull, its all scared voices who cant understand how these Gursikhs do it. That is your problem and untill you realize it your problema and not a problem in SIkhi. Keep you hair and follow you Dharama then call yourself a Sikh otherwise accept that you are not ready to follow this advanced system to reach waheguru and choose anothwer one! Dont blame your inner fears and problems on Sikhi. Thos goes for all the people who trim, shave, pluck whatver you people do to make yourselves feel better about yourself. Sikhi is the path for one who is the slave of God, Guru Gobind SIngh ji said, i have seen many religions, they do various things but not have become the slaves of God. Yes u are correct hair alone dosnt make you a better Sikh, i dont care about all the sardars who drink with their pagh and those who keep it for show, they are in the same boat as u as far as im concerend. I dont know why we are always so nice with these people Guru Gobind Singh ji said it best and straight, a Sikh who removes even a strand of his hair is no longer my Sikh. Hair means nothing to many but nobody told you to keep it, however if you wish to follow this path then these are the rules and if not then im sorry. Like i have said many times Sikhi has no reason to be the worlds largeat religion and has no room for cowards. Do u really think those stupid number counts mean anything. Do u really think 1 billion ppl follow Christanity, do u think 750,000 follow Islam, more like 5% of that number. The Gurus have seen the mistakes made by people in the name of religion from the time thr creation. There is not diff between what is siad in Islam or the Vedas, Sikhi dosnt correct their religion only the fakers and wannabe followers who modify to suit them. Sikhi is another step in the evolution od Dharama to make its followeres as pure as it can. So you dont like hair then im sorry you are not a Sikh and i guess as hard as that is to accept sort urself out and try again! Its like you guys stare at Gold but you cant afford it!! Either you save up and dedicate yourself to buy it or u settle for average!!! Sorry if iv sounded blunt.

Vrinder Singh

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