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Summary of Question:Haircut
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/30/2003 6:45 PM MST

I have been keepin my hair since i was a little kid, and i have just started college. The thing is i have a sudden urge to get a haircut so i can lose the insecurity i always feel about "what others think". I know i shouldnt care what others think, but im very sensitive. You can call it low self esteem or whatever u want, but the fact remains after i get a haircut i will still be the same person. I dont do anything bad, i have good friends, etc. Can u please advise to me to what ur opinion is? I just want to fit in with the "crowd". Thanks waitin for ur reply.


Sat Sri Akal,

I know exactly how you feel. I grew up in the U.S. and I was the only Sikh person in my whole state (outside of family). The need to belong is very strong and in this society it is too hard to stay true. Even I had the urge to cut my hair when I was younger. Let me tell you right now, it gives me INFINITELY more satisfaction that I didn't cut my hair EVER. I used to be insecure with the way I looked also, I always thought people were going to judge me differently because of my turban. And while people did question me about it, it was always out of fascination and wonderment. The kind of people who make fun of you because of your turban will make fun of you even if you were cut.

If you cut your hair, you will NOT be the same person. Right now, with a turban, you are a Sardar, you control who you are. When you go outside with a turban on your head, you're telling other people, "Look at me, I don't care what you guys think, I'm a Sikh, I'm not going to let society dictate to me what to do". It makes you strong. And let me tell you something that took me a long time to figure out. People WILL notice that you have a turban and beard. They will notice that you wear it proudly everyday. They will notice that for someone to do that, he has to be a VERY strong person. And they will have respect for you.

In the end, only you can make the decision. But don't do it to fit in. My advice, from someone who has been in a position like yours, is DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR. You will regret it. I love my pugh. It is who I am.

I hope this helps.

Gur Fateh,

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