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Summary of Question:Observing Amrit Ceremony
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 8/08/2004 12:08 AM MDT

Vahiguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vahiguru Jee Kee Fateh

Some views have been expressed on this issue, including that it encourages observers to take Khande Da Pahul.

Perhaps we need to step back and go to Baisakhi 1699.

One had to give ones HEAD both physically (get it cut) and mentally (clean out all its own thoughts so as to make it ready for the Gurus Maat) before one was blessed with Khande Da Pahul (this is the correct expression. Amrit - something that makes you immortal - is different. Taking Khande Da Pahul will take you on the path to Amrit but you may or may not reach the destination depending on the level of your efforts and the Gurus Grace)

There were no observers in 1699 as only 5 were actually willing to give their heads.

Why may I ask should there be observers now? This ceremony is not a re-enactment. It is a life changing moment. If done properly by Rehatvand Sikhs as Panj Piarey the Kalgidhar himself comes to the location where Khande Da Pahul is being given.

An observer should ask himself what business does he have being there?

(REPLY) Thank you for your comments! Of course it's not a re-enactment, it is a reality of a sacred experience that some people who may not understand yet, might be elevated and inspired to a higher level of commitment by observing it. It is not a "secret" ceremony, it is a "Sacred" ceremony, and if people wish to observe with reverence, I don't know that there is any law or rule forbidding it. SP

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