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Summary of Question:Re: Why aren't even Sikh women attracted to bearded, turbaned Sikh men
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/13/2000 5:50 AM MDT
The fact that the Sikh woman have a restriction about the Full beared and Turbaned sikhs, and I will relate this directly with the westernised education and of course the movies and the tv had played its own role.
to support this i give the following example.
I am living in Punjab, and I have access to both the Sikh Urban Society and the Sikhs from the villages.
and the shocking fact is that the ladies from the first category are much more reserved toards the complete sikhs then the ladies from the village.
and this distinction and feeling of differnece is not only existing in ladies but also the males.
If this is the situation prevailing here I can well imagine what the situation will be in the other parts of the world.

At the moment with in sikhism there are three layers of people exiting,

1. one who want to be proud to be called sikhs but are reluctant to walk on the path defined be sikhism. for these people the next generation will definetely will not be a sikh

2. The people who are following sikhism full from there heart and soul and real enjoying the depth and beauty of it

3. Is the confused people who are following the sikhism norms, but are doing for sake of doing. not veri serious in any of the aspect of sikhism, but they are wearing turbon and keeping beards more because of the family tradition and nothing more then that.

And the majority of People in punjab fall in category 3.

I believe the categories 1 and 2 are better then the 3rd, because at least they know what they are doing.

So dear Friend, the time is tuff, and we have to come out of it with our deeds, that the ladies start giving examles of Us to everybody


You certainly have some very clear observations.

My thinking on your questions is do not see many dashing modern Sikh men in full bana in your Bollywood movies, do you?

I have observed in India, that all the Western influence in the media and in the economy has brought about a parting with the beauty and appreciation for the traditional ways.

The association that may be made with the "full Gursikh" man is an association with village life which is being judged as backward or somehow not modern.

Of course, a Sikh girl, not having to wear a turban or keep a beard can really be an "undercover" Sikh which is not what Guru Gobind SIkh intended by giving us Rehit Maryada code to live by.

The flip side is the growing popularity of Sikhism among the white Western European and American people who wear flowing beards, girls wear turbans. They go about proudly in the West and the East exemplyfying that they feel that Sikkhism is the most modern and effective way to live happy today.

Have faith in the Gurus' plan. 960 million we shall be; maybe Khalsa will come from the West. Have faith and keep up!

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Re: Why aren't even Sikh women attracted to bearded, turbaned Sikh men (04/13/2000)
Why aren't even Sikh women attracted to bearded, turbaned Sikh men (01/04/2000)
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