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Summary of Question:is eating eggs a kuraiht
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/17/2000 9:04 AM MDT

i am gursikh malee(21yrs)...i want to know if eating egg is kuraiht..i dont eat it ever directly..but sometimes it becomes difficult for me to avoid cakes which contain some quantity of it wrong for an amrithari sikh...plz throw some light on the matter..i will be thankful to you...thanks

This is a question of how picky you want to be. Eating eggs does incur some karma, but it doesn't kill you on the spot. It's one of those things that it's better not to do but if it happens occasionally I don't worry about it. We are not Jains. We have a very powerful spiritual practice (banis, reciting Sat Nam, Wahe Guru etc.) which wipes away karma in large amounts. Better to spend your mental energy on bigger subjects.

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is eating eggs a kuraiht (08/17/2000)
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