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Summary of Question:Where do people go when they die?
Date Posted:Sunday, 4/09/2000 8:37 PM MDT

Just in the past two yrs , I have lost friends to suicide and drugs I want to know how they'll be judged where do they go? Where will I go?


1. the soul will judge itself 2. they may be reincarnated into another body, rock, animal etc. 3. You will go where you prepare yourself to go.

Further Explanation:

The Guru speaks of the cycle of reincarnation as 8.4 million lifetimes of different types of beings. The soul is not subject to death. Death is merely the soul's journey, from God to the physical universe, and then back to God again.

Upon the death of the "physical" body, the "subtle" body(spirit or soul self) continues. It leaves the physical plane of existance and must go on a journey through the 4 levels of blue either. The object of the soul is to reach that infinite place of God. The soul will either rejoin God or be reincarnated.

The attachment to the frustrations, regrets, and left over karmas of the person that took his/her own life may create residues which could interphere with the soul's liberation.

The practice of meditation is the most effective way of resolving these conflicts, shedding the desires or frustrations and attachments(both negative & positive)that are a part of every ones' life.

The Siri Guru Granth Sahib talks a great deal about death. Have you ever read it? There is an 8 Volume translation of Siri Guru Granth Sahib by Bhai Manmohan Singh. It is written in English, Gurmukhi and Punjabi. You can do your own Sehej Path. A "Sehej Path", "easy reading" is a meditation too. You read the English or the Punjabi every day as you like until you have completed the entire Guru.

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Where do people go when they die? (04/09/2000)
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