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Summary of Question:Music.............Kirtan
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/20/2000 6:06 PM MDT

Hello there..........

all i want to know is that is there anything wrong with (i myself am a sikh/ musician in the western world.......also religious......)

is there anything wrong with mixing gurbani....normal vaaja tabla kirtan....with a bit more lively form.....things like the jembe drums , electrin guitar........i don't know if i could mix a bit of jungle as well......i'm not sure, i want to do it for the youngsters in the western world........cos they will love it it will bring them more closer to sikhi......generally.....normal kirtan (apart from bhai harjinder singh of course).......tends to be slightly boring etc......i hope u get what i'm saying......

thank you and i think ur doing wonderful sewa in the form of this sikh youth formum!!!!!!!!!!well done!!!!!!!

ps: i do know for eg bhai dya singh aussie land , and the amercian sikhs do use modern instruments.....

but i want to compose more lively stuff......i'm not implying that it should be lively to the point where u feel u want to dance to it........

i really dunno........bcose if i can't do this ...which i would primaraliy wnat to do....i will have to take up bhangra instead...plz.........reply soon.............



The short answer is yes, it's ok to use any and all instruments for kirtan. The Gurus never placed any restrictions on that.
To get the total effect of Gurbani, each shabd would be done in the original raag. However, if you never hear it at all it can have no effect on you. It's better to hear it than not hear it, no matter the form. If putting it to different music will get more people to listen, then it is a great service.
As for dancing, it may not be cool in the Gurdwara, but what's the big deal in other places? Why is God's name not appropriate to dance to? It is the most appropriate thing to dance to, it is all joy and peace.
The one thing I would suggest is this. Be very sensitive to the vibration and level of consciousness in this music. Certain kinds of music can overstimulate the lower chakras (sexual nature). When people listen to your music they are trusting you to take them to a good experience. Be worthy of that trust.

P.S. I'm one of those western Sikh musicians you mentioned. We've had many people over the years convert to the Sikh path after hearing our music. Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh spoke many languages so they could communicate with people wherever they went. Music is a language. Speak the one people can understand and relate to. Later they can get into the more subtle realms of raag.

P.P.S. Our group is called Peace Family. We have 2 CDs coming out this summer. The first has one song about Guru Gobind Singh, one is english excerpts from Jap Sahib to a cool danceable rythm, one is about the spiritual teacher, one is about love and Guru Ram Das, and one is about Peace.
The second CD is all the names of God from the major religions being chanted. It's very interesting to hear the similarities and how each one affects you.


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