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Summary of Question:how do i to other races, in writing what is going on during a wedding ceremony
Date Posted:Friday, 9/15/2000 12:11 AM MDT

is there anywhere or site that i can go to that explains to other races and religions, who attend a sikh wedding, and explains in writing, what is going on and what the significance is and why it is happen.

what is going on, why and the reasoning.....
how can i find it in writing for my white friends attending my wedding???


You are in luck! Within Sikhnet, book Victory & Virtue Ceremonies and Code of Conduct of Sikh Dharma. Go to Chapter 9-Anand Karaj on page 63,64,65,66 for the explanation that you need.

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how do i to other races, in writing what is going on during a wedding ceremony (09/15/2000)
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