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Summary of Question:Re: Age
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/22/2000 9:43 AM MDT
Sat shri akaal

WOW, i know how u feel? most of my friends (sikh & no-sikhs) have already experienced sex, i am only 20!! I have stayed away from all that, NO i was never laughed at or made fun of, most of the times, it made the guys fall for me. But i never let myself to fall for ne 1. I have met some1 now, he is also sikh, he lives out of state from me. We have discuseed sex, and i must say that it it VERY tempting. But him & I decided we can wait till marriage. Sex is suppose to be experienced after marriage. So i have to tell you that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, i am not against arranged marriage, i dont know wat will happen of me & my bf. he is the first bf in my life and i pray to waherguru ji that he will be tha last man in my Life. You will find someone outthere, keep you eyes open and have FAITH in Waheguru Ji.

Guru ki fateH!

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