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Summary of Question:Does God Listen To Our Prayers?
Date Posted:Tuesday, 9/04/2001 6:23 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal ji,

I need ur advise. I want to know that does GOD listen to our prayers? Does he answer our prayers? In the Guru Granth Sahib, it is written that "Jo maange thakur apne se, soi soi deve" Is this line true? If we pray with a true heart to waheguru, will we get what we want dearly. I have been praying before Waheguru daily ...I used to goto Gurudwara daily because I want just one thing from God. For the last 2 years almost I am praying for it but I feel as if GOD is making a fool of me. I am sure if GOD exists somewhere, he knows how dearly I want it. I am ready to give my right arm for what I want, but GOd never listens to me. Infact sometimes I have seen the opposite happening...exactly the opposite of what I pray keeps on happening.
All this has shattered my faith in the Almighty. I have heard that if u chant the path of Sukhmani Sahib for 40 days regularly...all ur wishes come true...these days I am in the process of doing it. Will I get my wish. I don't ask God for anything else...I just need this one wish and believe me its not a very big thing that I ask for. Please don't say that God may not grant all our wishes because that will break my heart and I will feel that all my prayers and tears have gone in vain. Even in Sukhmani Sahib it is written that one who chants his name gets what he wants.
There must be some way to achieve what we want more than our lives???. Will God grant me my only wish. I am ready to do anything for it...ANYTHING.
Looking for an optimistic answer,


Greetings and love to you, Sunny Ji - In our life we do not always get what we want. We get what we deserve. In Japji Sahib Guru Nanak Dev Ji tells us how to break the veil of illusion. That is, to walk in the will of God. It is the giving of our head to our Guru, the humble and grateful submission to God's will that aligns our actions with the Infinite. Do not recite Sukhmani Sahib to get something from God. Recite it from your heart with understanding. There are two ways to live. Either you can hassle and obsess to get what you want, or you can make yourself so divine and beautiful that all your desires are pre-fulfilled. Wash away the past with Gurbani, and make yourself so clear and radiant that God will love to come and sit in your lap. Let Him give to you according to His will.

The secret of life is a constant attitude of gratitude.

Do not indulge in resentment for not getting what you want. It is a childish state of mind. When you awaken each morning remember to thank God for the breath of life and to arrange all your affairs according to His will. Then fill your heart with gratitude and praise God for His creation all through the day.


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Does God Listen To Our Prayers? (09/04/2001)
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