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Summary of Question:Re: Not a Question
Date Posted:Friday, 9/29/2000 9:42 AM MDT
Dear Raj Khalsa,

It is also not an answer, just a request, Please keep sharing these letters with us. Your letters might change so many other lives, and definetly I am gonna be the one out of them.

Just read that part twice, where you have written about a breeze and tears in your eyes, take a deep breath, close your eyes and ask your inner "isn't that cool enough?" You have got that thing, which other million and million people keep seeking all of their lives, but don't get it. You are like that King son, which like to play in the street, but people won't let him play knowing that you are King's child. They know your value, but you yourself is ignoring that value. When I educated myself for being SIKH, I adopted a word "SACRIFISE." It helped me a lot. You may also try doing that. You will understand the meaning of rehat well through this word.

Don't mind, we all are running on the borrowed knowledge, still sharing helps us to know better.

Guru Fateh,

Surinder Pal Singh

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