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Summary of Question:Amrit
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 7/14/2010 3:17 AM MDT

normally it is seen that always at gurudwara in sangat we all are asked to take amrit that is ok as they also say its their duty to say but i just want to ask that when the amrit is given, are all the necessity ie rules and regulation, are been told to the person and seen that they have really understood or just the amrit is given and also after the amrit is taken i have never seen that it has been taken into consideration that they are following or not nothing is emphasise about the amrit. is it not necessary to let the person follow all the rehats before, that is to train the individual and then given amrit. thanks.


Sat Nam,

Any promise you make is an important thing in life. We should never take anything lightly if we promise to do something or deliver something. If no one explains it then you can do your own extensive research or our website or many other Sikh websites that will give you all the information that you need.
Yes, Amrit is a wonderful blessing and many people can benefit from it but Amrit also asks you to be a certain kind of person in this life.
Our Gurus meditated very hard to bring this life style to us an to figure out what would be the healthiest and happiest as well as holiest way of living and by taking Amrit you are saying that you will always strive to live your best.
It takes just as much energy to do the wrong thing in life as it is to do the right one. When you take Amrit you make a choice to follow Sikh Rahet Miriada the best way you can.
Ask yourself if you are ready. There should be no mistake about it. If you are ready the Guru will call for you and you will feel that you can not live your life any further unless you take Amrit. And that is usually the best way to do it. Before that, however, it is always best to practice all your future vows already in your every day life without reservation so taking Amrit will feel as natural as the very next step on the road of life.


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