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Summary of Question:Politics In Gurudwara
Date Posted:Monday, 8/05/2002 7:38 AM MDT

Sat Nam, Ji.

I am an American Sikh who recently took Amrit, and have been far more aware of what's happening in Gurudwaras around me lately. The article posted on Sikhnet last week about the judge's ruling that there must be elections in the Gurudwara in the Bay Area was disturbing. It indicates a nasty atmosphere in that Gurudwara that makes me wonder why anyone would even want to be there. Isn't a Gurudwara supposed to be a place of spiritual safety, with an atmosphere of peace and service and humility? That is my deepest desire.

Our spiritual home, home of the Guru...turned into an ego-centered cess-pool? I feel deeply that there should be an effort of sharing the responsibilities and the joys of serving others. Why can't serviceful, heartfelt Sikhs take turns with those privileges? It absolutely makes sense and seems right that there should be regular elections so that anyone who has the desire to serve the Guru and his/her siblings should have the opportunity, without having a war to do it.

I took Amrit because when I read the Guru, and am in the presence of the Guru, I am moved to tears with the joy and the peace and the love. To be brutally honest, I have the urge to stay at home and avoid the Gurudwara, because I wonder whether I can relate to the hearts and intentions of the people there. I realize that is a generalization, and I don't accept that as truth. I'm only saying that part of me recoils from the idea of choosing that kind of environment as a spiritual home, and feeling an undercurrent of psychic darkness.

As one person, on my own and seeking connection with a spiritual family, I want to find those out there who resonate with the truth of the Guru, and who want to live in that vibration.

I don't know what I'm hoping to gain or hear from writing this, but I needed to express my disillusionment and heartache at this expression within a truly beautiful religion/spirituality/lifestyle. I'm wondering where my place is in a Gurudwara. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I found, and continue to find, my Truth in the Guru, and that is truly all I need. But the human self wants relationships to fellow human beings. Where shall I find the brothers and sisters I know are out there?

sayvaa surat bibhoot charhaavai.
(Smear your body with the ashes of dedicated service)
darsan aap sahj ghar aavai
(and live in the home of peace-make this your religious order.)
(SGGS, p. 411)

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh

-Lonely for the true Sat Sangat


Sat Nam, dear.

So - are you ready for this? The Gurdwara is the true Sat Sangat. Why? Because in the Gurdwara, with all the politics and all the egos and all the nonsense happening, you have a chance to develop the qualities of tolerance, selfless service, non-reaction and non-judgement.

Isn't is funny the way Guru did it? Look - the entire world is burdened with the disease of ego. "Jo Jo desai, so so roge," Wherever I look - there I find that disease. Only my true Guru is free of the disease of ego.

It's a powerful statement. Only the Guru is free from ego, the rest of us have it. So - what is the society of the saints? Those who, at the feet of the Guru, are doing something to better themselves. The society of the holy is NOT the society of the perfect. Because what you are asking for is for people to act in ways that make you comfortable. To hell with you. Who are you to be asking that other people behave in a way to make you comfortable? By virtue of your own practice, you should have the strength to be comfortable in every situation, no matter what it is, and to serve others selflessly, no matter what you think of them. That is your test. That is your challenge. And, in those environments, you can perfect yourself.

So - get in there and serve others with love. Watch the changes it puts you through. You'll see that the company of the Sat Sangat will polish and refine you faster and more powerfully than any other spiritual practice.

All of this is said with the love of a sister, and no offense is meant.

God bless you on your journey.


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