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Summary of Question:Is There Anyone Who Can Change The Way The Gurdwara's Are Being Runned.
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/15/2002 2:51 AM MDT

Hi, thank you for hearing me out.

Im shareen from singapore,aged rather sad about the ways the gurdwara's are being runned. As far as i know that the gurduwaras are suposed to direct the wondering soul to god. It's a place where people worship and meditate upon god's name. Right! Then why is it not like this. why are people only going there to gossip,how come the gurduwaras are being locked up in the night. (That is if there is no patth or bhog going on) why are sikhs fighting with each other over who gets to be the Chairman.why are people worshipping days like sangrants etc when it is forbited in the holy book.

Last time youths used to go to the temple to pray and learn more about our religion and we create a stonger bond with God.But now going to a temple has become a social thing and not a religious thing.Infact by going to a temple nowadays we do not learn anything (especially for those who do not have a stong foundation in shikism)why are we not learning anything is it because the granthi's read so fast that we can't catch anything or is it that our punjabi language is so bad that we are unable to understand what is being recited nor can we read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

If so then why is there no one doing anything about it. why are more and more sikhs converting to other faiths. Isn't our faith the faith of the mordern world.

There are so few people whom youths can turn to for guideance thus we move away from religion and we enter the scientific world or the supertitious world. sadly we move away from our father.

Please somebody please tell me what to do so that this can be changed.

Thank You and
May God Bless You.



Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

You are the future. God has given you the eyes to see what's wrong so that you can do something to make it right. The Gurdwara is only as pure as the people who go there. Live the discipline the Guru gave you and become a warrior to restore the Gurdwara to its function as a sacred place where people come to elevate their souls at the feet of the Guru. Bring others who feel the same way along with you. You are the power. You are the future. The injustices that you see - you have the duty and the responsibility to challenge them. Prepare yourself for the challenge by living the four pillars of Banni, Banna, Simran and Seva, and then fight the good fight on Guru's behalf.

The Sikh path is the path of the future because it marries the world of science with the world of the soul. Experience it for yourself and then you can become a living light to others. Just by your example you will inspire them to live the life of a Sikh along with you.

May Guru be with you and may you always follow the Truth that He shows to you.

All love.


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Is There Anyone Who Can Change The Way The Gurdwara's Are Being Runned. (08/15/2002)
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