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Summary of Question:Eating Disorder
Date Posted:Saturday, 4/17/2004 4:16 AM MDT

Waheguru gi ka Khalsa Waheguru gi ki Fateh

I hope you can help me. I'm 23 years old and have an eating disorder and depression. I know I have a problem and I have contacted my docter about this and am trying to seek councelling. I have a binge eating disorder.
I have struggled with my weight all my life going from 9stone to 7stone and now back to 9stone5Ib. I use to go to the gurdwara every moring without fail but that stoppped mainly in the last 6 months as my weight has gone up and my depression has become worse. I attend the gym regularly before work and when I don't see quick results I binge, this puts me back to square one. I want to continue to go to the gurdwara but I don't fit into my suits anymore, I feel disgusting and hate people looking at me and being around so many people frightens me, I think i'm more scared of what people might say about how much weight I have gained.
My social life doesn't exist anymore as I 'm constantly hiding in my house and don't want to go out, I have lost all my confidence and self-esteem as well as my friends.

Please please help me what can I do?


You are facing a big challenge...but you can do it. Decide upon a program and just start. You doctor and counselor can help you figure out the best program for you. It will probably need to include diet, exercise and counseling. Don't worry about the outcome...just start and go day by day...minute by minute. It is better to lose slowly anyway, because it will more likely stay off. Also, counseling will help you drop old destructive habits and develop new healthy ones. Its about lifestyle and attitude. Our prayers are with you. GTKK

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