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Summary of Question:Sardar Kapur Singh:"Only Four Takhts"
Category:Sikh History
Date Posted:Friday, 7/19/2002 4:33 PM MDT

Sat Shri Akal

I was readingthe great book "Parasaraprasna - The Baisakhi of Guru Gobind Singh", by Sirdar Kapur Singh. I believe that you have got the book, so i do not write the passage concerning.
Bhai Singh ji writes a chapter on Ardas (pp. 276 - 287)
He gives a detailed history of Ardas and it's origin, authority and source.
We all know how long Bhai ji was able to write about every aspect of Sikhism.
Howsoever, the words "panjha takhta.." in the ardas, meaning "the Five High Seats of Authority", he discusses in one of the long bottom pagenotes, on about three pages. Here he declares and proves that there ARE only four takhts, and not Damdana Sahib - the fifth.
He says that only the four first takhts were stated by Guru Hargobind ji. And he says that also in The Mahan Kosh (Sikh Encyclopaedia) by Bhai Kahan Singh, only four takts are mentions.
Five is not a perfect number, he says, while four is.
Can we please discuss this.
So, give it a look please. Pages 281 to 284 of Parasaraprasna.
Is it right of Sirdar Kapur Singh. and if you have not got the book you can e-mail me and i will send you the pages in word format. Thanks.
And for other readers my e-mail is [email protected]
I live in Norway and i am 16 years old.
Maybe, this would be onn the discussion forum, but i have not the ability.
Gur ki Fateh

Sat Siri Akaal Ji. You are right, this should probably be on the discussion forum, but in the end, it is not an issue worth fighting over. Sardar Kapur SIngh was a very wise and devoted Sikh. There is indeed credibility in his arguments.

Guru Gobind Singh confirmed the 4 takhts of Sikhi: Akaal Takhat in Amritsar, Sri Takhat Keshgarh Sahib in Anandpur, Takhat Hazoor Sahib in Naded, and Sri Harimandir Takhat in Patna. The so-called 5th takht of Damdamma Sahib was NOT confirmed by 10th Guru. This holy place is where the oldest bir of SGGS exists. Making it a takht was decided after 10th Guru-- I'm sorry I do not know when. The point is that it was not one of 10th Guru's appointed takhts.

The SGPC supports that there are 5 takhts. Many Sikhs in India and elsewhere accept it as being 5 takhts and do not know there is even dispute about it.
Guru fateh!

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