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Summary of Question:Asa Dee Vaar
Date Posted:Friday, 4/26/2002 4:23 PM MDT


my dad does asa dee vaar (i'm not sure if i spelt it right) every Sunday at the guardwara,and my,or rather his question is-:
If you are not able to finish the whole of asa dee vaar on a certain day as of lack of time given to you,do u continue from where u left off the following week or do u start from the start?
any advice would be much appreciated thanx!...Tanya


Sat Siri Akal,

Asa Di Var has a unique Naad and there is something very special in listening and singing this from start to finish. It is best if it is sung straight through. Starting over each week maintains the integrity of the Sound Current.

However, you may want to ask the Granthi at your Gurdwara. Different people would answer this question differently, and the opinion expressed here is by no means "correct" or "final." What would your Granthi advise? Or-better yet-what would your sangat prefer? If your sangat prefers for the entire Asa Di Var to be sung each week, then allow more time for it. The sangat can guide this very well as they know best what the needs of the community are.

Thank you for writing.


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