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Summary of Question:Intercessory Prayer & The Will Of Waheguru
Date Posted:Tuesday, 12/18/2001 3:31 PM MST

Sat Siri Akaal!

In doing my daily prayers and studies I come across a lot of verses about the pre-ordained will of Waheguru and that all things must be accepted as His will and divine command... and yet, something in me always wants to pray for the guy with no job and little kids to feed, or for the healing of someone with cancer, even for my little diabetic cat. If we must submit to the will of Waheguru, is it wrong then to pray on behalf of others who need it? Can it be interpreted as trying to change pre-ordained, divine will? Or is it better to pray rather for the strength to accept whatever happens as the will of the Creator? This has really been puzzling me. Please enlighten me on this one!




Sat Nam Elizabeth, Greetings to you from SikhNet in the Name of the One Creator, the Light within us all.

By all means, continue your prayers! Intercessory prayer works. This is becoming more widely understood every day. Divine will is a flight corridor. A path, a flow of harmony. Within the flight path, certain limits are defined. Within those limits change takes place. The Creator creates, but that creation takes place through us as well. Free will exists within the predefined "flight path" of life.

There are certain laws of energy we must follow if we are to actively promote our own creative processes. One of those laws is: "Whatever we focus our minds on grows." Just like watering a plant. This is what prayer is all about. When we pray "for" something then we have made a very important decision that influences the prayer. We have started off admitting that "the thing I desire is not present now... I must somehow create what is not there." Therefore, it is the "not-thereness" that increases, not the desired effect, because our attention is focused on the fact that we don't have it now.

What is it that we are doing when we pray? Do the words vibrate your palate some special way that creates a physiological

effect or is it feeling the energy that encompasses the Guru that results in the effect?

My observation is that prayer is based on the physics of resonance.i.e., we actually embrace the thoughts, feelings and emotions we would experience in the presence of a desired outcome.

For example, peace isn't created by praying for peace. Rather, it occurs when enough people align their thoughts, feelings and emotions to those they would experience in the presence of peace. It is our own inner state that creates a mirroring state of peace in the external world through the resonance of our own thought forms with the electromagnetic fields around us.

Quantum physics (and my own meditative experience) suggests that by redirecting our focus -- where we place our attention -- we bring a new course of events into focus, (while at the same time releasing an existing course of events that may no longer serve us.) You know, under the right conditions, two atoms can occupy exactly the same space at the same time. If two of the basic building blocks of our world may coexist at the same instant, then the doorway has been opened for many atoms, resulting in many outcomes, to do the same. Thus, there are many possible futures.

All love in Divine! .....G

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