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Summary of Question:Re: Depressed, Pls Help
Date Posted:Monday, 4/19/2004 2:08 AM MDT

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh :)

This reply is for the girl who is down about herself. You know everywhere i go, everywhere i turn, even when i look within myslef i see some sort of derpesseion. I never see happy people anymore, and if they are happy then its rare. You are not alone in this jasleen, million upon millions feels this way everday. When we read our paht, its easy to read but to accept ia another matter. Throughout time saints have walked this planet and have all said the one same thing. This is the darkest age, its a sick age where its not swords or disease or people who shall kill you, its yourself! Within your mind you have began to view the world in such a negative way, this may have resulted in ou weight loss too but you are so young and at 16 i wont expect you to be a master of your mind and sikhi. However u have began to learn the lessons that life hold in store for you and its either tackled now or later on life. In socieoty today we have made up our own rules and expectation and for you to stand at 5ft 2 inches .5 hehe was it is a beautiful height!!! Would your world chnage so much if you were able to see at 3 inches higher? I have learnt not to lecture on such topics as this because i too suffered from all this. Nobdody can help you with this problem unless you begin to undertand yourself and accept certain things in life. You may not love yourself and fanatsise about being taller, skinnier, have a diff face but beauty resides with you, to one person somone is beautiful and tot he other she is average. In this way it renderes beauty as usless.
In Sikhism is eplains that Waheguru, the source of everthing controls the outcome! We never ever ask for sorrow but we recieve it all the same, we destroy our minds by constantly engaging them in thought of fanatsy of money oney money, girls, guys, marriage, jobs and omtimes what we plan for ourlselves isnt what is right. In this way Be carefree in your mind, dont worry about your parents, worry about God. Goto the source and meditate within that state of mind and all issues will be resolved or you can goto the the issues and whats going to happen shall but depression would have ruined you. Within us lie enemies, Guru Sahib said that you dont need physical enemies because you can destroy yourself! So Jasleen, it will take time, maybe some more tears but undertand that before you can become a confident out-going healthy looking girl, you realy have to make yourself belive it! I undertand what the moderators are also trying to say but sports or reading scriptures without real meaning only block out the pain which will again return! Go within your mind and resolve these issues, then oneday ull be a beautiful woman :) Bein Sikh or religious is not what people have made it today. REligions were developed to comabat such ages. The killer is the unseen diseases! The things cannot be seen or explained, so one much also practice and obey the unseen master. Today the world only deals with what is can observe, remember this, its is the unseen and unspoken that cause us to lose the point in life! I hopeeeee u get better, sorry if i sounded serious or offended anyone :) be happppppyyyyyy :)


Thank you for your feedback and concern. You are so right, we are not alone. Our brothers and sisters are here to help us move forward, step by step. My prayer is that your words will help many. Blessings. GTKK

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