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Summary of Question:Depressed, Pls Help
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/13/2004 6:15 PM MDT

Waheguru Satnam.

My name is Jasleen and I am a 16 year old Sikh girl. I am sorry to diturb you, but I noticed that the advice that you give is usually really helpful and powerful. I wish you could help me.
I am a really good person. I pray regularly and think of Satnam as my "best friend". However, recently, especially this year, I have been really depressed. I sometimes feel terrible about my height, which is only 5'2.5, and sometimes, I just feel depressed over no reason at all. Sometimes I feel like I'm not thankful for anything, which (Waheguru Satnam) is a really bad sin. I don't understand what has happened to me. I even lost about 10-15 pounds since last year because of this gloomy state that I am in. I really don't know what to do. Everything at home is fine. But I always worry about taking care of my family.
I hope you can help me. I would really appreciate it. And Im really sorry to disturb you. I promise I won't write about anything like this again, since you're supposed to ask questions on Sikhi only. Please Help Me, Waheguru Satnam.

Sat SIri Akaal. My guess is that your hormones are going every which way--which is typical for your age bracket, and as a result, you are depressed. If there is NOTHING else that is really, deep down, bothering you (like a family situation or some horrible thing you are trying to forget), then it is probably a chemical thing caused by adolescent hormonal changes. If you are the primary anchor in your household, and end up doing most of the cleaning and cooking, this could cause depression: you might feel unsupported. Family is there for each other, just because you are female and 16 doesn't mean you should be the only one looking after others.

If you search 'depressed' or 'depression' in the searchbar on this youth forum site, you will see other responses for dealing with it. Daily hard physical exercise should help you immensely. Find something you like (biking, running, badminton, soccer, hiking) and do it often. You should practice the naam daily, as well.

If that doesn't help, PLEASE PLEASE see a school counselor or school nurse and tell him/her this problem. If you can, tell your parents you want to see a doctor -- like a physical check-up, and then tell the doctor (in private) that you are depressed. Do not let this go without doing something. Teenage depression is not uncommon and has many causes -- it is NOT 'your fault.' OK?
guru ang sang,

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