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Summary of Question:after life
Date Posted:Wednesday, 10/11/2000 5:40 AM MDT

I am a amritdhari Sikh, and a a friend asked m a question, she asked if she would go to hell if she didn't become an amritdhari Sikh. I was not sure on the answer but from what I have been told, being amritdhari brings you closer to the guru, but if you are a good person you can go to heaven. My friend cuts her hair but doesn't eat meat, drink alcohol or smoke. She does as much naam simran as she understands but he is worried and says that at this point in her life she could not handle the commitment that comes with being an amritdhari sikh. So basically, my question is 'Do you have to be an amritdahi sikh to go to heaven?'

***** reply *****

Heaven and hell are right here, right now. They are states of mind, not places somewhere else. Heaven is the state of mind of being at the Guru's feet in the company of the Sadhsangat - it is the place in your own consciousness of unconditional love and service. Hell is the state of mind of feeling cut off from God, separate, alone and scared. For a discussion of what happens when we die, please search the forum archives. We are liberated at each moment of our lives. As we live each day, so we die. There is no difference.

Do you have to be an amritdhari sikh to go to heaven?

No. You have to meditate on your own true identity and experience it.


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