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Summary of Question:Please Help Me(Converting To Sikhism)
Category:General Q's from Non-Sikhs
Date Posted:Friday, 6/26/2009 12:01 AM MDT

I was raised in a seldom-practicing Mexican Catholic family. My mother was brought up in a very religious household in rural Mexico, but my father, who is white and from the US, was brought up in an Agnostic household. My father joined the military and has seen the world. He used this opportunity to find God, as he knew he realized the importance of faith. At first he dabbled in Buddhism, but he finally found God in the Hindu faith. These past few years have been the hardest for me, and I, too was desperate to find faith, as Catholicism never quite appealed to me. For years I have prayed, but I never knew to who. I just knew that there was somebody out there listening, so I kept on.

Well, I am now in a very serious, committed relationship with a Punjabi Sikh. No sex, but pure love and devotion. My family loves him very much and they supporting our relationship. His mother and his brother also know about our relationship and are also supporting us. I am very different from other Americans, as I have always been knowledgeable of Indian culture, thanks to my father who is a Hindu, who taught me all my life about their culture, food, music, etc. I feel that here is a chance for his parents to accept me because not only have I embraced his culture my whole life, I have begun to research Sikhism and I feel that I have definitely found something I can relate to, and I want to find someone to help me learn more and eventually convert to Sikhism in my area. What I would like to know is there hope for our relationship? And are there certain things I need to know now that I have entered this serious relationship with him? Can anyone help me?

Sat nam. Find a gurdwara in your area; ask your beloved to take you to gurdwara. Look for Sikh Dharma gurdwaras by contacting SDI at For anyone converting the first thing you need is sangat (congregation) you can talk to. Good luck. Blessings,

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Please Help Me(Converting To Sikhism) (06/26/2009)
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