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Summary of Question:Re: Get Married
Category:General Q's from Non-Sikhs
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/12/2003 8:25 AM MDT

As a parent I am really touched by the comment/advice this girl gave to the DOCTOR boy and a consolation that she also is in the same boat. In a way the moderator is right dear, we did not choose our parents and it was their choice to have kids we did not make them so they have a responsibility to raise us and give us the best that they can monetarily, physically, spiritually, socially and all. But think and try to also analyse your parents for a second. You know them better than we do. There are some parents (and being one I hear them talk behind their child's back and give advice to each other and some advices are sickening - I would never give anyone some of those and nor will treat my kids that way) - but my point is, you say your mom cries whenever you talk. You know your mom better, are you sure she really is crying as she cares or she is crying to emotionally encompass you so your love and guilt (that they did so much for you) will make you give in and she wins (she could be adviced - Oh! did you try crying - it works for me and on and on). Yes, trying to leave it on God is a good idea but what I ask GOD is please giude me and give me the strength to fight it and if I am right then I win else TERA BHANA MEETHA LAGE.

We are not advicing you to revolt against them but I know that eventually they will accept you if not now. They might be doing this trying to stop you due to social status, but make sure that you know for a fact that this boy is right for you. The Doctor boy knew her for 10 years, that is a long time. DO you really know him as well aas you think you do. Try to test him out, what is it about him that they do not like, have your parents met him if not they should; has his parents agreed and why can't his parents talk to yours or something. Have him work on his parents too (if he is not), but I still think in the DOCTOR kids situation it is diffrent situation where the girl is little on the heavier side and has health problems. We do not know what is the real problem with your boy according to your parents so cannot say much.

But I still feel when I hear and/or see little kids like you bleed within and there is nothing you can do. Rab Rakha. Wish you the best. Keep in touch and let us know what happened.

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