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Summary of Question:Love
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 9/26/2010 10:40 PM MDT

I was with my boyfriend for two years. we had our ups and downs. but always managed to work out our relationship. While we were still in relationship, my ex passed away. I was just out of everything and was not thinking straight. Which caused problems in my current relationship. My boyfriend and I called if off. Then i made a another mistake that i regret big time now. During that time I got close to his best friend. I made out with him. I still feel so guilty about it but i did not cheat on him because we were not in a relationship at that time. I still have feelings for my boyfriend(ex). I know he loves me too. So we talked and i told him the truth. I was 100% honest with him because i dont think we can start or carry on a relationship based on lies. Now since he knows the whole truth about what happened when we broke up. He does not talk to me at all. He could have been with me if i didn't tell him the truth. Did i make a mistake by being honest with him?? I really want him back in my life. My life is incomplete without him. I know i have hurt him many times but i really do regret everything i have done in my past. I started doing sukhmani sahib ji da path everyday. I just hope that he comes back to me. I hope that he forgives me for what i have done wrong yet appreciate that i was honest with him and did not hide anything from him. I cannot talk to anyone about my situation. Please someone guide me in the right path. I really want him in my life.


Sat Nam,

Regardless of the circumstances once a relationship fell apart it will not be able to go back together the way it was. You are changing all the time and he is changing all the time ... and you are no longer going through that change together. Therefore there are less and less of things in common between you to help you connect again.
It does happen sometimes that when both people's lives go through a whole cycle of changes and come to a similar vibrational point again but with much greater understanding of each other. Then people can get back together again. This however is a very rare occurrence and usually signifies a contract on a much deeper soul level to be together for the rest of your lives. Don't know what are the chances of you and your ex-boyfriend ever being together again. Regardless of that you would still have to allow both of you to evolve on your own, how ever long it may take and mean while leave it entirely up to the Guru to work it out and lead you back together again.
The question then really is only about how much time it will take ... and are you willing to spend all that time waiting or will chose to just live your life and see what happens.
Don't bring any guilt into any of your relationships. What happens happens and there should be no blame no guilt. Keep it real. That is the only thing that will make your relationship mature and truly loving if it is meant to be.


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