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Summary of Question:Husbands Affair
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Wednesday, 10/29/2003 1:32 AM MDT

Vahiguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vahiguru Jee Kee Fateh

This is not a question but a comment on the note written by the lady about her husband and how she has started ignoring everything and focussing on Gurbani.

That is wonderful. However, what saddened me immensely is her comment right at the end which I repeat << My mind is at peace now for the present moment.I pray that babaji will one day teach him a good lesson.>>>

In the mool mantar that the Almighty Akal Purakh blessed Guru Nanak sahib with, the fifth word which describes in words the properties of the Akal Purakh is the word, "Nirvair". This means that the Akal Purakh has no enemies / hatred towards any one.

We are taught to focus our energies on this mool mantar, so that at the end of the day we become one with the infinite and develop the same properties that he has, one of which is becoming nirvair.

Sheikh Farid in Salok 78 on Ank 1381 of Sri Guru Granth Sahib has the following hukam for us:

Fareeda, Burae Dhaa Bhulaa Kar Gussa man n hudaee, dhaee rog n lughee subh kish paee.

Fareed, answer evil with goodness; do not fill your mind with anger. Your body shall not suffer from any disease and you shall obtain everything.

It is due to our karmas of previous lives that we are attached to one another as spouses, children, friends and associates. The Gurus hukam for us is that the company of anothers wife / lady is like the company of a poisonous snake. Indulging in such acts will not make us recipients of the Gurus bakshish, Gurus mehar. That will indeed be the husbands karma to repay. Babjee will not teach him a lesson, because he is nirvair. It is the husbands karma that will teach him a lesson.

Guru Nanak Sahib in Raag Asa Mehala 1 (ank 432) when explaining the Gurmukhi Alphabet, "dhudhaa" explains :Daada dhos n dhaeoo kisai dhos kurunmaa mai keea so mai paaeiaa dhos n dheejai avur junaa.."

Dadda; Do not blame anyone else; blame instead your own actions. Whatever I did. for that I have suffered; I do not blame any one else.

The consequences of the husbands actions will need to be paid. There is no need for the lady to wish him bad. His acts will be responsible for what befalls him.


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