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Summary of Question:Equality between religions
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/25/2000 7:16 AM MDT

Vaaheguroo jee kaa Khlasa

Vaaheguroo jee kee Fateh!!

My question deals with the equality of religions and those of us who are members of these religions.
Why is it that if a Catholic (or any other member of a religion) decides to become a Sikh, that is considered to be in the best interest of the person. But if a Sikh decides that they would like to be of another religion that is considered to be a sin (or anything else of that sort)? Do we not believe that all religions are equal as are all people and so the point of life is to be one with God regardless of that path chosen? Is Sikhi considered to be the "only" religion? And if so, why? Doesn't this contradict everything that is said about equality?

I would also like to say that I am very grateful for the time and effort and love that has been put into this web site...for me it has been a resource that I can always rely on. Thank You!!

Navjot Kaur

Vaaheguroo jee kaa Khalsa
Vaaheguroo jee kee Fateh!!


Equality of religions means we respect other people's right to practice their religion. No laws should discriminate against any religion, and no person should personally disrespect someone else's religion.
However, that doesn't mean the religions *are* equal in their effectiveness. That doesn't make sense, because they all have different practices. You can see how people in different religions act and live. You can see there is a difference.
All souls are on a path through many incarnations to merge back into the One. Every soul is exactly where they are supposed to be in that journey.
The Khalsa way is a very direct, very fast way to liberation from the cycle of reincarnation. The quesion is, once you are on such a path, why revert to a religion with less to offer? Sin has nothing to do with it. But going from the excellence of Khalsa to a system that requires almost nothing of you is not an improvement. (I came from one of those religions to Sikh.)

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